[FAU-AIT] Exploitation des travailleurs immigrés

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[FAU-AIT] Exploitation des travailleurs immigrés

Messagepar lucien » Vendredi 14 Déc 2012 16:14

Deux actions en cours, la même thématique.

La FAU lance une pétition contre une entreprise allemande qui profite largement de la situation de travailleurs espagnols. Déjà 300 signatures.

Nearly one year without payment!

In the last few years many people have emigrated from Spain to Germany. Whether out of necessity due to conditions at home or in order to start a new life, Spain is exporting workers to Germany where they are vulnerable to precarity and exploitation.

Our comrades, Sergi and Juan Pedro, who last February and March worked for the company Messeshop at the Fruit Logistica and ITB Trade Fairs held in Berlin, can testify to this situation.

This company, run by Spaniard María Puell and based in Eimersleben (a small town near Magdeburg), designs and sets up stands at different trade fairs. Our comrades carried out their tasks satisfactorily even though they had to endure unacceptable working conditions detailed as follows:

- Having to drive180 km from Eimersleben to Berlin after 10 hours of hard, physical labour.
- Obliged to sleep on shabby mattresses at run-down accommodation as well as being forced to sleep in the van due to lack of bedding where they were staying.
- No reimbursement of work expenses such as tickets to enter the loading bays at the trade fair plus fuel, transport and telephone – All paid from their own pockets.
- Obliged to register as self-employed so the company could save money and delay the payment.
To make matters worse, they are still waiting for the money they earned fair and square by the sweat of their brow.

Our call for action does not only aim at solving the particular problem of our comrades, but also at exposing the poor working conditions which also exist in Germany (in this case, in Berlin) so that people gain awareness, get ready to handle these situations and can respond to this or similar cases of precarious working conditions.

FAU Berlin needs your support. Sign this petition demanding that Messeshop pay Sergi and Juan Pedro. In February 2013 we'll deliver all the signatures to the company.

More information on this labour conflict of the FAU Berlin (in German):

Insta a la empresa Messeshop a pagar a sus trabajadores.

Desde algunos años, muchas personas del estado español están emigrando a Alemania. Ya sea por necesidad o por dar un cambio de aires a la vida, España está exportando trabajadores al país germano. Pero no sólo exporta trabajadores, sino también precariedad y explotación.

Así lo pueden atestiguar nuestros compañeros Sergi y Juan Pedro, los cuales trabajaron para la empresa Messeshop los pasados meses de febrero y marzo en las ferias Fruit Logistica e ITB celebradas en Berlín.
Dicha empresa, dirigida por la española María Puell y radicada en Eimersleben (pueblecito en las cercanias de la ciudad de Magdeburg), se dedica al diseño y montaje de stands en diferentes ferias. Nuestros compañeros, tras haber realizando correctamente su trabajo y haber sufrido situaciones realmente grotescas en el transcurso de su trabajo, como por ejemplo:
- tras trabajar más de 10 horas tener que conducir casi 180km (Berlin – Eimersleben)
- dormir sobre unos maltrechos colchones en una casa semi en ruinas, así como en la furgoneta del transporte del material por no existir suficientes colchones en la casa(-ruina)
- no poder parar a comer;
- en las ferias, tener que racanear entradas para poder entrar a los lugares de carga y descarga;
- poner dinero de sus bolsillos de antemano para gasolina y gastos de viaje, que tampoco ha sido devuelto,
- tener que trabajar como (falso-)autónomo, para que así, la empresa pueda ahorrar costes o aplazar los pagos de sus facturas,
y aún, están esperando el sueldo que en aquellos días dignamente se ganaron.
Con esto, no sólo se quiere resolver el problema que están teniendo nuestros compañeros, sino también visibilizar la problemática laboral que igualmente existe en Alemania (en este caso Berlín) y la gente tome conciencia, pueda estar preparada ante este tipo de situaciones y de este modo pueda responder de una manera contundente a estos u otros casos de precariedad laboral.
La FAU Berlin necesita tu apoyo. Firma esta petición para que la empresa Messeshop pague a Sergi y a Juan Pedro. En Febrero del 2013 presentaremos todas las firmas a la empresa.
Más información sobre el conflicto laboral de la FAU Berlin (en Alemán):

Le monde ne se compose pas d'anges révolutionnaires, de travailleurs généreux d'une part, de diables réactionnaires et de capitalistes cupides de l'autre.
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Inscription: Dimanche 31 Oct 2004 15:32
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Re: [FAU-AIT] Exploitation des travailleurs immigrés

Messagepar lucien » Vendredi 14 Déc 2012 16:17

Protest against Exploitation at the Teltower Rübchen farm


A conflict has been going on almost a half year between FAU and the ecological farm Teltower Rübchen. The problems concern improper payment during training periods, not following health and safety laws, low wages and the use of immigrant labour without contracts.

There were attempts to negotiate with the owner of the farm, a member of the Green Party (which includes postualtes about a decent minimum wage that is higher that what is paid at the „green” farm). He refused to meet with FAU, so the union started to make a pressure campaign, campaigning where the farm seels its products.

As we know that at least some consumers who buy green products are also concerned about the working conditions they are produced in, we hope that people will show their discontent with the situation at Teltower Rübchen and that the situation will improve soon.

From the ZSP, we add that we do not accept the exploitation of Polish, Romanian and Ukrainian immigrants who are in desperate situations and are forced to work without contracts. We demand proper treatment and full rights for workers who have been harvesting the fruits of Teltower's profits for years.

http://www.zsp.net.pl/protest-against-e ... bchen-farm
Le monde ne se compose pas d'anges révolutionnaires, de travailleurs généreux d'une part, de diables réactionnaires et de capitalistes cupides de l'autre.
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Messages: 3012
Inscription: Dimanche 31 Oct 2004 15:32
Localisation: Caen

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